The Gratitude Flows Both Ways

Directors of The Partnership met with CUSD7 Superintendent Joe Tieman to view and express their thanks for a series of banners he commissioned for installation in all three schools.  Since its founding in 1992, The Partnership has given $517,152.60 in donated dollars to the district's children.  Acknowledging the impact of these gifts -- in the form of classroom mini-grants -- Tieman volunteered to make The Partnership's generosity more widely known.  The Partnership is grateful for this show of generosity which keeps its mission before the children and parents who benefit most and who are among our strongest supporters.  On hand were (from left to right) Partnership directors Patty DeMartini, Don Throne, Judy Cordum (secretary), John Fassero, Jr. (president), Superintendent Tieman, Carole Scheller, Rose Tebbe, and Donna Prevedell.